My services


Strengths development

Supercharge your strengths to boost energy, increase confidence and propel your performance, your way.

  • Bespoke strengths coaching programmes and masterclasses.

  • Strengthscope® psychometric assessments (individual, team and leader).

Career development

Cultivate a career that aligns with who you are, where you play best and what you want so you feel fulfilled and maximise your impact.

  • 1:1 career development coaching (see more details on the coaching page).

  • Strategic advisory to help businesses to discover organisational strengths and growth areas and develop strategies to progress women’s career development.

Leadership development

Develop your authentic leadership style, engage hearts and minds, and inspire others to act.

  • Executive and leadership 1:1 coaching.

  • Advisory support and insight discovery to help businesses develop the most impactful women’s leadership strategies to fuel business purpose and growth.

My approach

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I listen deeply to understand who you are and what matters most to you, to discover what makes you unique.


I support you to join the dots, to bottle up your uniqueness and to set the direction for where you want to go.


I enable you to create paths that energise and embolden you to have the greatest impact in your world.

Benefits I help my clients achieve

  • Clarity of thought and direction, enabling greater focus and greater impact.

  • Improved confidence and self-belief, fuelling progression.

  • More inclusive work cultures with a stronger sense of belonging.

  • Women leaders who feel more fulfilled at work, contributing to and inspiring a more diverse talent pipeline.

  • Happier individuals.